Quality Structural Engineering

Block1 provides very high quality structural engineering. We review the particularities of every project and provide strong robust framing systems and footing designs that are engineered to last. We abhor wasted construction time, effort and money, and spend the extra time to finesse designs to make our buildings as easy to build as possible. We know how to design strong buildings that don’t necessarily cost more. Not all engineers are the same, and we don’t pretend to be like everyone else. We are smart and efficient and always act in the projects best interests. Our clients generally love working with us, and we love working with them. Designing and constructing buildings is a team effort, and we are team players. We work alongside architects, services engineers and builders to deliver quality construction. We take a holistic approach, and understand the structure needs to accommodate lots of other building requirements. We create the architectural geometry; we allow for service reticulation; we design for buildability and the site constraints. We work with end-clients, developers, PM’s, planners and the full coterie of the construction industry, and have a pretty strong fan-base due to our clear advice and fulfilling our duties. The structural engineer is central to a successful project and we take our responsibilities seriously. We act with honesty and competence which wins us respect and the ability to direct the outcome of projects. We enjoy working with all proficient operators in the industry and wish everyone well and every success. We take pride in our work and our reputation. We seek to impress everyone we meet. We have a huge amount of contacts and are happy to put people in touch with each other so that they can get the best project possible.


Building Design

We specialise in building design and construction & are highly valued members of the design and construction team. Most of our projects are between $1m to $20m in value, using all manner of materials and construction types, and across all sectors. We have friends across the industry and work on up-front masterplans and schematic designs to aid project conceptualisation/financing and planning permit applications. We do full design and documentation and construction delivery. We provide high-quality 3D Revit documentation with isometrics to help the client & builders visualise the building geometry. We audit existing buildings and provide strengthening details and repair specifications.

Most of all we enjoy creating spaces for people to enjoy their lives in and be happy human beings who want to make the most of living on this amazing planet, and have good quality buildings to enjoy.

We understand the full variety of construction techniques and can advise/design for any geometry, and any material, and any project size.


We will work with good clients anywhere. Ashley is based in Geelong, with other staff based in Melbourne. We are a collective who openly share knowledge and resources to service each project properly and give the best result possible. We serve Melbourne, Geelong & the Bellarine.